3 Common Questions About Hardwood Floor Refinishing

Do your hardwood floors look out of shape and you're considering having them refinished? If so, you likely have a few questions about the process 

Why Do The Floors Need To Be Sanded? 

Your home's wood floors have seen a lot of wear and tear over the years. This means that the wood is worn down in places, the current stain is not even, and there could be parts that were damaged with scratches from dragging furniture. The only way to fix these problems is to sand the floors. It essentially gives the floors a clean slate where you are starting over from scratch, which helps remove all of the imperfections. 

In addition, sanding is the only way to make the floors a lighter color. While you can always stain a wood floor to make it darker, it is impossible to make it lighter without removing the dark stain with sanding.

Do You Have To Be Out Of Your Home For Hardwood Floor Refinishing? 

You do not necessarily have to leave your home in order to refinish the hardwood floors. While it will require emptying the rooms that have furniture in them, there are ways to refinish the floors in sections so that you can use your home during the process. You will need to leave your home for a few hours when using polyurethane, but that is only because the fumes are not safe to breathe. 

What Do You Do With All Your Furniture? 

Since all of the floors need to be sanded when refinishing hardwood floors, it brings up a question about what to do with all of your existing furniture. Some people will have their home's floors refinished in sections so that they can move the furniture from one room to the other. However, there are some ways to refinish everything at once if you want to be a bit creative.

You could move all of the furniture to a garage, which should have plenty of room to fit the contents of your home that rest on the wood floors. You can also rent a storage pod that will sit on your lawn and can be locked with your furniture in it, which is helpful if you don't have a garage or own a lot of furniture.

Have more questions about hardwood refinishing? Reach out to a local contractor in your area so that they can answer concerns about your specific situation. 

Contact a local flooring service, such as McSwain Carpets and Floors, to learn more. 
